This is baby # 3 for Ingrid and Devere, a little boy, due anytime now. We kept it simple, just next to a window in my home. The best light in your home is supposed to be from a north-facing window, but I don't have any of those in my home. Though, I think we got great some great light despite it all.
Ingrid is one of my good friends from back in our Cottonwood days. She was always good and had her head on straight and maybe the only sane one out of us all, at times ;-)
She is a great mother, you know the kind of mom that is always put together and kids looking cute, yup that's Ingrid! And she makes it look so effortless...meanwhile my kids are running around wild-haired, dirty faced, no clothes.........well I do dress them for church and doctor appointments ;-)
Thanks Ingrid for supporting Kayleen T. Photography, can't wait to meet the new baby!

Job well done Kayleen! It must be maternity season...true beauty of motherhood.
Dang it Ingrid!! 3 kids and you still are as beautiful as ever! You did a beautiful job as always Kayleen!
Beautiful, Kayleen!!!!
OMG kayleen!! I just wanted to THANK YOU so so much for sharing your talent with my family!! I absolutely LOVE what you've done. And my goodness,your kind words are just too kind girl..LoL..Our kids drive us CRAZY all day every day,but i wouldn't trade it for the world=)..Thank you so much for letting us come to your home and meeting your BEAUTIFUL babies for the first time,jaidan could not stop talking about you for almost 2 weeks after..haa. All in all,i have these amazing pictures to show my kids when there older and owe it all to you=) Thanks again kayleen!! Your the BEST=)
SEU family!!
Hella Jealous!!!! I absolutely love these photos. GORGEOUS! Keep 'em comin' Kayleen. And props to your model...bangin' body while prego and mother of 2. WOW!
Ingrid, You Gorgeous! Love the Shots...
Beautiful! The simple setting perfectly showcases her and baby to be.
Hey Kayleen, I got my jumpers from jumptown! Hope that helps!
loooove the b&w's!!! love love love.
these are gorgeous. simply stunning :)
KAYLEEN!!! OMG...You have outdone yourself in this maternity shoot! I have a hard time picking my favorite. I think you really captured the essence of her beauty in these! AWESOME JOB WOMAN!
such a gorgeous mommy 2B and I love the expressions you captured!
Wow, supermodel mom much? She is GORGEOUS. I love the light in these!
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